Wake Up From Winter
A Whole Food Cleanse- safely and gently change your habits with food
Begins April 1 and runs through April 28
Are you bloated and tired from hibernating this winter?
Have you thought about changing your habits with food?
Do you want to let go of toxins and excess?
- Detox your body, improve digestion and immunity
- Better sleep and mental clarity
- Let go of addictions to caffeine, sugar, and flour
- Feel better and have greater focus
- Increase your energy and vitality naturally
- Nourish and change your mind and body
- Take charge and clear the clutter from your life
- Cleanse with like-minded people
- Create new habits around food

Join me for a month-long experience.
You can do this with me locally in Salt Lake City or Online from anywhere.
The first week is preparation-
- your kitchen
- your space
- your mind
- your ingrained winter habits
The next 3 weeks, we revamp your thinking and habits around your eating and your daily routines. And we end with some helpful tips to keep it going.
Here’s What’s Included:
- Gentle Movement, Yoga, Meditation and Breathing Practices to Support Cleanse
- Self-care Routine Guidelines
- Step-by-Step Cleansing Guide with a variety of options
- Menu Planner
- Recipe eBook
- Shopping List for 3-week Cleanse
- Daily Inspirational Posts/Emails
- Weekly group check-ins on Zoom: 4/1, 8, 15, and 22, 3 PM MST
- Private FaceBook Forum to connect with others in the cleanse
- BONUS FOR LOCALS: Food exchange on 4/15

$297 For A 4-Week Program
$150 For Repeat Cleansers
VIP Packages Available
** Invite A Friend For A Special Bonus **
What People Have Experienced
I think I have a greater awareness about my body in general, which carries over into other places in my life. Your unconditional acceptance that everyone is where there are on that day or moment is so respectful and kind and frankly something I have trouble giving myself. It’s helped me, especially as I age, be kinder to myself. Also in your classes I have learned to breathe – on a couple of levels. Yoga breathing has also allowed me to expand my overall fitness capacity. I could not ever run with any success in the path until I learned to breathe through yoga.
I also think that when I started yoga – with you in 2005! – that I didn’t know if I can do it., if I could have the strength or grace to do the poses. But I have learned that I can and it makes me want to do more. This is a bias, maybe, but that you are close to may age is helpful. I don’t want instruction from much, much younger people who do not yet have the life experience to understand the changing body and the demands of mid-life adulthood… There is a reason our capacity for compassion grows as we age…
I enjoyed the information and support with the cleanse. With yoga, I like your methods and you are a nice person. I don’t want a competitive, compulsory class due to my pain and health issues that very by week (or day) sometimes. You are knowledgeable and open to modifications.
I have loved the knowledge I have gained from taking your classes and doing the cleanse. I feel that your yoga classes are different from any other yoga classes I have taken because the addition of chanting and the special focus. I really enjoyed the water class and although it was difficult for me I enjoyed the sun class as well. The cleanse helped me more than any other cleanse I have done because of the addition of your menu ideas and your expanded teaching, handouts etc.
I think the most profound gain from working with you was having the chance to practice self-love/healing in a space that was completely inviting to do so. Additionally, you “armed” us with the proper tools to cultivate that awareness and care of self. I think it’s easy to take to stance of “it’s too much” or “it’s too overwhelming” to try something like this. You made the experience seem very inviting and manageable. AND you gave us permission to “fail,” so to speak. I loved that the expectations weren’t black and white and that the focus was on growth, NOT perfection. And I can’t wait to do it again!
.*Please check with your doctor before deciding to change your eating habits. No refunds after program begins.
About Your Guide
Jacqueline Morasco
Truly, I never thought I would live past the ripe age of 23. I was put on this path of self-care, healing and recovery at a considerably young age while planning a quick demise through alcohol and substance abuse. When I was 19, I woke up in the ICU after having been in a coma for 3 days. I had no sense of value for my self, my body or my life. I was lost. I wanted to die.
It wasn’t until I experienced what I can only describe as a spiritual awakening, that a clear realization and truth of wanting to live was revealed. It was in that profound moment where I knew my self-abusive had to stop.
I learned that there are times when life demands much from us. It will see how far you can bend. It will challenge you to bring in changes that feel uncomfortable at first but this is simply your soul proclaiming that it is ready to grow. It is ready for more!
Change takes time, commitment and discipline. Be patient, gentle and kind. No matter what, you can’t give up because whether you are aware of it or not, the universe, your higher self wants you to succeed. You are here with a purpose and truly, I just want to keep help reminding you of that. I have played with food and cleansing habits for most of my life.
I started leading cleanses over 10 years ago and found a healthy, sustainable way to remove toxins, change habits with food and movement and to feel safe in my body. I want to help you do the same.