Speaking and Event Support

Jacqueline Morasco, CEO and Founder of Spirited Practice, has a unique ability to help people connect to their body, feel comfortable and to become present. Below are a few topics she can speak on.

Popular Speaking Topics:

Finding YOUR Voice 

When you speak from that grounded space, people listen. Jacqueline will guide you through a series of experiences to help you find and share your authentic voice. With your authentic voice, you can create the world you want to live in.

Using Ritual to Connect

Using ritual, a solemn ceremony, both ancient and modern, Jacqueline will help the audience connect to themselves and others on a deeper level making communication and cooperation easier and more meaningful. She describes in detail what she does so you are able to replicate it on your own.

Embodiment through Sound

Sound, as vibration, moves us in a way that nothing else can. Learn and practice sounds calibrated to embody your innate gifts so that you can fulfill your soul purpose. and if you’re not sure what those gifts are, you will by the end of the workshop.


Event Support:


When it comes to events, large or small, we provide energetic support, Ceremonial Cleansing and Create Sacred Space for the host and/or audience.

What is energetic support and what does it look like?

Using a variety of tools, from drums and rattles to sage and flower essences, we clear and cleanse your space, perform ceremonies and/or hold space for you, your group and your event.

For speaking and event support inquiries, please contact our team:

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