The Core Course:
Restore your Pelvic Floor,
Core and More
8-Module, Live Course

Say Goodbye to Embarrassing Leaks, Pelvic Pain, and Needless Shame and be Empowered to Embrace Your Life with Confidence
You don’t have to be afraid to leave the house any more.
Imagine if you could:
Laugh or cough without fear of peeing your pants
Not have to keep an eye on the nearest bathroom to make a quick run
Throwaway your pads or depends and not worry about wet panties
Eliminate painful sex, lower back pain, and incontinence
When I found out about Jacqueline’s Core Course, I felt a real surge of liberation go through me. I had noticed changes with my pelvic floor and was concerned about the weakness and prolapse that seemed to have worsened over the last year or two. I jumped into the course with a sense of curiosity and hope and I was not disappointed with the outcome and education. This may not seem like a big deal, but my use of pantyliners has dropped and my core awareness has completely increased. It helped give me permission I didn’t know I needed to get acquainted with parts of myself that had been previously ignored or shamed. I highly recommend this course to anyone who would like to learn more about the physical feminine aspects of themselves and engage in a life long practice of wholistic body awareness.
Asia Dutson, metal artist and jewelry maker
As I get older, I can sympathize with women my age and their need to cross their legs when they sneeze.
I’ve spent my life helping women learn about energy, movement, sound and being safe and comfortable in their bodies.
Yet, the topic of what happens “down below” in our private parts– yes, the pelvic organs, the vagina, uterus, bladder and rectum-after childbirth, aging and gravity on the female body is rarely discussed – at least not in public.
We’re made to feel embarrassed about the subject, and I’m on a mission to end that!
This all started with my personal experience of feeling something coming out of my vagina– and I felt like I couldn’t talk to anyone. I was scared and even my doctor wasn’t sure what was happening. Luckily, she sent me to a specialist and the healing journey began.
On my healing journey I took courses, met with a variety of professionals and experimented on what worked for my body. Since then, I have helped other women take control of their bodies and reclaim their independence.
What excites me most about this course is that it integrates and encompasses teachings from so many modalities-Yoga Therapy, Ayurveda, Physical Therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Energy Work, Shamanism, Mind-Body Medicine and more.
I want to empower women to talk freely and comfortably about their bodies, and I want to teach you how to have more control over your bladder, your pelvic floor and your core, which means no more shame or embarrassment AND freedom to be pantyliner free.
The Core Course: Restore your Pelvic Floor, Core and More
This 12-week Live Online Course is designed to teach you all about your pelvic floor (muscle), organs and entire core so that you can confidently take control of your wellness and how you live your life.
You will:
- Start the new year without fear of leaving the house because you might lose control
- Learn control over urine leakage-stress pee or fecal incontinence
- Decrease back pain by strengthening core muscles
- Support your pelvic organs so that you can move through life easily
- Learn about your pelvic organs and how to care for them so you can take control of your sexual wellness
- Relieve pain during intimacy/intercourse to increase your pleasure and intimacy
- Improve bowel productivity and decrease constipation to feel lighter
- Remove the shame game and get support and understanding for your healing
- Be seen, heard, and able to ask any questions without being made fun of or judged in our No Judgment Zone
- Learn new self-care techniques that are sustainable for life

“I had assumed that not being able to jump, laugh or sneeze without running to the bathroom was for the rest of my life. However, the Core Course has given me hope. With the holistic approach and the practical exercises, I no longer have to cross my legs when I’m watching a funny movie with my husband. I can sneeze with confidence now. No leaks! No Kidding. I still haven’t tried a trampoline yet, but I won’t run away the next time I see one.”
Heather Rangel, Business Healer, Trainer, Motivator

How it works:
What? 8-Module course to learn to engage, support and control your pelvic floor muscles with 7 live coaching calls
Where? An Online Platform
When? Portal Opens April 5
Practice on your own and coursework in the private online platform. 7 Live Coaching and Q&A calls.
Why? I want to empower women to talk freely and comfortably about their bodies, and I want you to teach you how to have more control over your bladder, your pelvic floor and your core, which means no more shame, embarrassment AND freedom to be pantyliner free.
Why You’ll Love It
▪️ Start the new year without fear of leaving the house because you might lose control
▪️ Learn control over urine leakage-stress pee or fecal incontinence and be free from fear
▪️ Decrease back pain and move with ease
▪️ Support your pelvic organs to alleviate your symptoms
▪️ Learn about your pelvic organs and how to care for them so you can take control of your body
▪️ Can relieve pain during intimacy/intercourse to increase enjoyment
▪️ Helps with constipation
▪️ Get support for your healing and accountability
▪️ No Judgement Zone
▪️ Be Seen, heard, and ask any questions without being made fun of or judged
- Secret Facebook group to connect with others and get your questions answered
What we cover:
MODULE 1: What is the Core? Why is it important?
- Anatomy & Physiology including organs, muscles, and bones
- How they all work
- Understand why taking control of your pelvic floor and core is key in freedom from fear, pain and embarrassment
MODULE 2: Self-Assessment, internal and external assessment
- Complete a self-assessment
- Externally and internally
- Learn the 5 jobs of the pelvic floor and core and how to know if you’re doing them
MODULE 3: Soothing Self-care
- Self-massage, scents, oils and baths
- Sound
- Breathing and movement
- Relaxing, letting go
- Natural Pain Relief
MODULE 4: Form and Function
- Assess how you use your body in everyday life
- Learn how to sit, stand, go to the bathroom in a supportive way
- Alignment
MODULE 5: Strengthening the Core without Planks
- Ways to strengthen to entire core
- Ways to strengthen the PFM
- More about everyday life
MODULE 6: Understanding your Energetic Core
- Lower chakras-emotions and trauma
- Ancestral trauma
- Releasing emotions
MODULE 7: Connect to Your Femininity
- Movement, flow and femininity
- Continuity
- Discipline
Module 8: Putting it all Together
- Daily Practices
- Resources
- Specific Guidelines for Diastasis Recti and Pelvic Organ Prolapse
BONUS MODULE: Cycles and Rhythms
- Moon cycles and the core
- Natural Rhythms
- Ceremony
Here’s everything you get when you sign up for The Core Course: Restore your Pelvic Floor, Core and More:
- 7 live mentoring and Q & A Calls
- 8 modules of expert instruction and guidance
- Safe space
- Life-time access to program
- Let go of fear, shame, judgment
- Lifestyle FREEDOM
- Ancient Womb Healing Ritual and Meditation
- Downloadable journal to keep track of your journey
Plus, These Bonus Gifts!
BONUS #1 Fast Action Bonus (First 5 registered)
✔ 30-minute consultation with me to discuss your specific issues
✔ Ancient Womb Healing Ritual and Meditation
Join me for a sacred womb healing ceremony to release trauma and activate your power center.
✔ Beautiful downloadable journal to keep track of your journey.
Here’s everything you get when you sign up for The Core Course: Restore your Pelvic Floor, Core and More:
- 7 live mentoring and Q & A Calls
- 8 modules of expert instruction and guidance
- Safe space
- Life-time access to program
- Let go of fear, shame, judgment
- Lifestyle FREEDOM
- Ancient Womb Healing Ritual and Meditation
- Downloadable journal to keep track of your journey
Non-judgment Zone A safe space to share with people who’ve dealt with a similar issue. |
Current Information Expert and timely information that works! Live Q&A weekly |
Lifetime Benefits Exercises that you can use and refine for the rest of your life. Lifetime access to the program content. |
Medical-Free Solution A solution to an issue you thought there wasn’t a solution-besides surgery or medication |
Alternative and Safe Exercises Medical and ancient yogic practices that work together to help free you from fear. |
Freedom from Shame Let go of shame and embarrassment and take control of your body. |

“I can’t say enough about Jacqueline’s abilities to support my energetic and spiritual needs. She is intuitively able to tune into my body, mind and spirit and give my soul the energetic support it craves.”
Carolynn Bottino, Author of The Land of Plenty
ABOUT Your Guide
Jacqueline was trained as a sex educator in the late 80’s. At that time the focus was on youth, sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy and eventually were about HIV and prevention.Through her own experiences she learned that no one wanted to talk about what was going on “down there”.
Jacqueline is out to change that stigma and wants to empower women to talk freely and comfortably about their bodies and teach them how to have more control over their bladder, pelvic floor, and core so they can feel confident and learn new self-care techniques.
She has worked with thousands of people to help them learn to feel confident in their bodies and continues that work with her new Core Course: Restore your Pelvic Floor, Core and More.
Jacqueline’s clients achieve whole-being wellness through a unique blend of the energy healing modalities, chanting, shamanism, natural and practical health concepts by creating simple, daily routines and rituals. She has over 25 years of energy work, teaching yoga, meditation and chanting to groups and individuals.

Wondering if I’m the right teacher for you? Here’s what people are saying:

“I have loved the knowledge I have gained from taking your classes and doing the cleanse. I feel that your yoga classes are different from any other yoga classes I have taken because of the addition of chanting and the special focus.”
– Marga
“I think the most profound gain from working with you was having the chance to practice self-love/healing in a space that was completely inviting to do so. Additionally, you “armed” us with the proper tools to cultivate that awareness and care of self. You made the experience seem very inviting and manageable. AND you gave us permission to “fail,” so to speak. I loved that the expectations weren’t black and white and that the focus was on growth, NOT perfection.”
– Corinne

“Your unconditional acceptance that everyone is where they are on that day or moment is so respectful and kind and frankly something I have trouble giving myself. It’s helped me, especially as I age, be kinder to myself. That you are close to my age is helpful. I don’t want instruction from much, much younger people who do not yet have the life experience to understand the changing body and the demands of midlife adulthood…”

What are the benefits of participating in this program?
Be gently guided to create change in your mind, body and Spirit in real time. You receive expert and up-to-date information. If you do the work, you will notice changes. Transform your fear into freedom.
How much time do I have to put in on a weekly basis?
That’s really up to you. Approximately 4-5 hrs if you show up for the calls, watch the videos and do your practice.
What happens when the program ends? Will I have access to it?
You have lifetime access. Most aspects of the program are downloadable from the student portal.
What if I miss a session? Will I be able to access recordings?
Everything is recorded and you can access them at any time.
Do I need to be in good physical condition to do this program?
No. You may need to check with your medical professional depending on your specific needs. We work with people of all ages and abilities.
What if I don't want anyone to know I'm doing the program?
Everything you share with me is confidential, and you choose how/if you want to interact with the group. One thing for sure is that having group support through change is powerful.
What if I have other questions?
Email if you have questions, [email protected]
If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]
This class provides information to improve your health and well-being. It is not intended to substitute for a professional diagnosis or treatment. We cannot guarantee the outcome of the recommendations provided and our statements about potential outcomes are expressions of opinion only.