You can use the root as you would ginger, although be sure to taste it beforehand and make sure the flavor works with what you are making. My favorite way to use burdock is to cut it into thin slices. Fry it in a cast iron skillet without oil. My Asian friends suggest frying it 9 times for the fullest effect. I have done this and it’s a lot of work. I don’t know that it makes the affects more potent and I have found no research suggesting this.
Filtering impurities from the blood is one of the main uses of burdock today. It is also used for skin irritations, as a diuretic and as a mild laxative. It is also considered an antioxidant and is an anti-inflammatory. Burdock root contains polyacetylenes that give it its antibacterial and antifungal properties. I recommend burdock tea during my Spring and Fall Cleanse. Join my in my Fall Whole Foods Cleanse.
I don’t purchase burdock because in Utah, burdock is plentiful and it’s the perfect time of year to harvest it. To harvest burdock, wait until the plant has died and the flowers have withered. The root is the part of the plant that is used. Digging in moist soil is easiest. The root grows deep. Be prepared to use some muscle and get a little dirty.
For more information or to purchase dried burdock root click here. I am not an affiliate and receive no monetary benefits if you buy from them. Burdock is considered safe for children and pregnant or lactating women. If you have questions, comment below.
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