But, which oil to use. There are many oils available. The trick is finding the right oil for you in your climate and during the particular season you are experiencing. I have tried many different types of oils and various brands of the same oil. Every oil is not the same.
According to Ayurveda (I will discuss doshas at a later date):
Vata Dosha (dry, rough, frizzy), you would use sesame, olive, castor or almond oil.
Pitta Dosha (oily, hot, sweaty), coconut, sunflower or almond oil.
Kapha Dosha (smooth, oily, cool), sesame, almond, or corn oil.
So you don’t know your dosha, now what? Well you can see an Ayurvedic practitioner, take a test from a valid Ayurvedic website or book, or do a little trial and error and see what works best for you. Or try this quiz.
When and where available, look for organic, cold pressed, not roasted or toasted or flavored, oils. As with most things, the more you buy, the lower the cost. Oils can be very expensive though so make sure it is one you like and that suits you before making a large purchase.
There are various schools of thought on oiling. Some say, fight oil with oil; others say, don’t use oils if you skin is oily. If you have excessive oil, you might look at your diet and consider some dry brushing instead of oiling.
Dry brushing is massaging the body without any oil. You can use a washcloth, loofa, your hands, whatever feels good on your skin. I use dry brushing some times before abhyanga or some times instead of oiling. It increases circulation, stimulates your cells, wakes you up and exfoliates. I just work my way around my body with my loofa; I use a washcloth on my face. It’s very refreshing.
Oiling and dry brushing can be done year round. I find I like dry brushing more in the winter and I only like to oil right before my shower or if I’m not going anywhere that day and can wear “oil-safe” clothes.
When oiling, I stand on a towel. If I am doing my yoga practice with my oil on, I place a towel over my floor or mat. I like to let the oil soak in for as long as possible. If I am oiling my hair, which I do not do all the time because of my fine, long hair, I leave it on over night with a shower cap.
I use a special set of towels for my oil showers. They definitely get affected by the oil over time. In the shower, I make sure the bottoms of my feet are not oiling. I only use soap on my hair, underarms and genitals.
You may feel strange at first, but you will notice a remarkable difference with your skin almost immediately. If you have any uncomfortable feelings or skin reactions or irritations, do not continue.
Times not to oil:
if you have broken skin, bruises
you have skin reactions