photo by Ethan Eng-Tow

So much has been talked and written about in regards to our relationship with food, drugs, and things (clothing, shoes, etc.).  As we come to the end of the month, I’m curious how many of you have kept up with your resolutions.  Previously, I stated I was choosing a word for the year instead of a resolution. I’m happy to say that I have continued my focus on my word, which is CLARITY.

In reality there is a lot more to clarity than just figuring who I am and where I am going.  Looking around my studio, my house, my desk drawers, I realized that part of being clear for me was going to be about clearing out the things I don’t need in my space, my body and my life. In my home I started with my closets; with my body, I started with a healthy cleanse; and with my life, I started with my livelihood.

Thinking back a bit further, clearing out started when I resigned from my teaching job this summer and continued through November when I completed my most successful food cleanse with a friend. I had started the process of clarifying way before I labeled it or was aware that it was happening. I credit my practice and the universe for leading me to where I need to be.

According to Candice Braun Davison we can start by getting rid of particular items. When we head to the trash can or eBay, there are certain things we forget to include. Here are the sneaky extras that clutter up the corners of our homes. Read more:

So I invite you, no matter where you are in your resolutions, to clean up your space. If you want to continue with the process, save the date and you can join me starting on September 1st in a group food cleanse.  More information.