Two years ago around Thanksgiving, I decided to be thankful for something each day. What I thought would be a challenge, turned out to be a new way of life. I posted to FB each day what I was grateful for. I did this for 30 days. The posting stopped yet I continued with the practice for a year.
I’m not sure why I stopped consciously being grateful especially when the practice was so fruitful. I became aware of the gifts associated with my practice–driving more slowly than I’d like because of a slow driver only to pass a police officer up ahead, getting angry at my teenagers for being teenagers and then realizing how blessed I was for the lessons they’ve taught me (patience, unconditional love, generosity, etc.) And the list goes on.
Recently, I joined Erin Geesaman-Rabke’s, “Embodied Gratitude Project,” a practice of cultivating gratitude over a 5-week period. Read more. I am having an opportunity to feel and be my gratefulness on various levels–body, mind and spirit. I have again begun to write down what I am grateful for although now I am not posting it. I am also focused on finding something to be grateful for when I am not feeling very grateful. Thank you Erin.
According to Dr. Jeremy Dean and his article, The Emotion That Boosts Self-Control and Saves You Money, a recent study suggests that when we cultivate a state of gratitude, we are better able to control our spending urges and therefore save money. Read more. We also become more conscious of what we are buying.
Being grateful can also boost your health. Many studies report how being grateful increases our level of happiness and therefore our wellness. Read more.
So the point, let’s be grateful for what we have. If we’re not, let’s change what we have. There are so many way to express our gratitude. I’d love to hear about practices that you do to be grateful.