It’s always good for me to re-visit ways to build my gratitude skills. The benefits to self and others are amazing–science has shown that being grateful increases the amount of dopamine released, and we feel better physically, psychologically, and emotionally. We sleep better and we are more empathetic. Here are some ideas for creating a Gratitude Practice.
I’ve talked often about ritual and practice. It’s one of the reasons I have offered a Gratitude Challenge the last couple of years. It gets us thinking about how we are and how we want to be. When we make something important and sacred, we are much more likely to do it. If we see the immediate benefits, we are much more likely to continue as well. We, humans, love instant gratification.
If you’d like to sign up for next year’s challenge, you can sign up here.
I’d love to hear what you do to practice gratitude as well as any benefits that you’ve noticed.