In yoga class the other day, I said, “press your weight evenly into your hands.” Of course, everyone was standing up. Because these students know me well, they laughed and reminded me that they were on their feet. Things like that happen all the time. Imagine a recording of all the silly things I’ve said while teaching. After 24 years, I imagine that it would be quite a reel.

I cue things like, “feel your psoas stretch in this pose; reach down through your sitz bones; feel your breath in your pelvic floor; and the list goes on.” I’m laughing as I write this. Maybe it’s not as funny to you, but I bet there are things you or your yoga teacher or any one for that matter have said that have made you laugh out loud.  I would love to hear them. Below is a very funny list I thought you might like.

20 Ludicrous Things Said By Yoga Teachers, “Flower your buttocks,” and other such helpful pointers. Luke Lewis BuzzFeed Staff

20 Ludicrous Things Said By Yoga Teachers

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20 Ludicrous Things Said By Yoga Teachers


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20 Ludicrous Things Said By Yoga Teachers


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20 Ludicrous Things Said By Yoga Teachers


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20 Ludicrous Things Said By Yoga Teachers


We’re no strangers round these parts to cute words and crotchy phrases yoga teachers need to retire, or things yoga teachers should never say—even phrases yoga students should steer clear of.

But we’ve got to call ‘em like we see ‘em and this round of ludicrous yoga teacher memes via might just take the cake. Read ‘em, love ‘em, pass ‘em on:

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