by Jacqueline Morasco | Yoga |
ARE WE ENERGY?Albert Einstein proved that everything is energy when he developed his theory of relativity and the formula, E=mc2, which, in very simplistic terms, says that anything that has mass is just energy in a different form. So it shouldn’t surprise...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Yoga |
Layover at Denver InternationalSome of us, like my kids, can sleep anywhere and anytime. As fast as I can say savasana in my college classes, is as quickly as some of my students are out. Yet, no matter what age we are, how much money we make or where we are, we...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Cleansing and Recipes, Yoga |
by Guest Author: Charlotte BellIn yoga classes, we talk a whole lot about the importance of the breath. We exhort our students to breathe deeply as they move into, hold and move out of asanas. Some types of yoga, such as Ashtanga and other forms of vinyasa, instruct...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Yoga |
In yoga class the other day, I said, “press your weight evenly into your hands.” Of course, everyone was standing up. Because these students know me well, they laughed and reminded me that they were on their feet. Things like that happen all the...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Cleansing and Recipes, Yoga |
During this holiday season, I held a Yogic Renewal Workshop and promised my students that I would post my recipes. So all the recipes from the workshops are here. Enjoy! Feel free to share your favorite recipes as well because I am always looking for new cooking...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Yoga |
Iceberg, how much is below the surface?Should we make a New Year’s Resolution?According to Webster, a resolution is strong determination, a formal statement or a course of action decided upon. Each day I set an intention upon rising and usually again in my...