Trouble sleeping–look no further

Layover at Denver InternationalSome of us, like my kids, can sleep anywhere and anytime. As fast as I can say savasana in my college classes, is as quickly as some of my students are out. Yet, no matter what age we are, how much money we make or where we are, we...

Funny things we say

 In yoga class the other day, I said, “press your weight evenly into your hands.” Of course, everyone was standing up. Because these students know me well, they laughed and reminded me that they were on their feet. Things like that happen all the...

Resolution or not

Iceberg, how much is below the surface?Should we make a New Year’s Resolution?According to Webster, a resolution is strong determination, a formal statement or a course of action decided upon. Each day I set an intention upon rising and usually again in my...