Yoga For Entrepreneurs

Being an entrepreneur creates some special circumstances. We make our own hours, which is a blessing for some and a curse for others. Discipline is required for us to get things. We set goals and we complete them (most of the time). We need to know when to ask for help and when we just have to do it ourselves. We have to manage our money, our space, our peeps and the rest of our lives. As I’m writing this, I’m amazed that we get it done.
Over the last couple of decades yoga has been my saving grace through changing careers, loss, love, having children, and every other experience I have lived. Yoga is one of the best forms of exercise for the body, the mind and the spirit.
You can do yoga anywhere and without any equipment. Comfortable clothing and guidance are the only things needed. Yoga is low impact. Anyone, no matter what your ability, can perform yoga.  The results from a daily yoga practice created by a trained instructor are unmatched if practiced correctly and consistently. A new movement for your body may feel awkward, yet yoga should NEVER hurt!
I challenge you to do this simple practice that I have created for you each morning for 21 days. Research tells us that we need 21 consecutive days of a behavior to make something a new habit. It’s best to do the practice at the same time and in the same place each day as possible. You might add this new habit to an existing one. Do your yoga practice after you brush your teeth or when you’re taking your morning break.

I suggest keeping a log or journal if you are so inclined to note the changes as they occur. Each day, notice how you feel and observe what you accomplish.
The intention of this practice is to increase your energy, stretch your muscles, and focus your attention.  Be sure to maintain an even breath as you move through the practice.
I’d love to hear how the practice changes your life.
Look forward to my next post, which focuses on the Mind.