Does Being Grateful Save You Money?
Two years ago around Thanksgiving, I decided to be thankful for something each day. What I thought would be a challenge, turned out to be a new way of life. I posted to FB each day what I was grateful for. I did this for 30 days. The posting stopped yet I continued...
Soothing Spring Ayurveda Style
Though we have 4 seasons here in parts of the US and other parts of the world, Ayurveda generally considers three. They are based on the qualities of the seasons which are most closely linked to the doshas or constitutional principles. The three doshas- vata,...
Dandelion: Miracle or Menace
Healers have known for centuries what many are coming to believe today about dandelions.While many find dandelions to be a nuisance, healers have known for centuries the health benefits of dandelions. Because it's Spring and dandelions are plentiful less the chemicals...
The Healing Power of Sound: Mantra
Photo Credit: Jim Zink I've been writing a lot about nourishment (or lack thereof) in the way of food and cleansing for the body, mind, and spirit. I'd like to look at other forms of nourishment. Sound in its many forms has led me to both suffering and solace....
Brain Washing Needed?
Photo Courtesy of absurdwordpreferred.deviantart.comgyan mudraWhenever I see an article about meditation, which there are many lately, they always have a photo of a person holding a hand mudra (gesture). While mudras are very effective (more in a later post),...
The Angry Yogi
Anger: an emotional response to being or feeling threatened. The body kicks into a flight or fight response when we feel threatened. If you know me, you know that I am pretty level-headed most of the time, but I do get angry. I might even yell at my kids from...