by Jacqueline Morasco | Yoga |
One of the biggest challenges for many of us is supporting our backs. When I ask at the beginning of class what people might want to work on, no doubt at least one person mentions their back. The back and core are intimately connected so if you’re struggling...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Yoga |
Welcome to Spirited Practice, where we meld mind and body to meet your Spirit’s needs. Below you’ll find one of my favorite salutations, candra namaskara — moon salutation, modified to meet the needs of someone whose knee don’t go for deep...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Cleansing and Recipes, Yoga |
Since Spring is a time for renewal, I thought you might be interested in some of my favorite Springtime things: My favorite yoga pose, Spring food recipe, my favorite natural cleaning product you can make yourself, and my favorite way to take care of myself in the...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Yoga |
Energy is everything. Everything is energy. We are made of and surrounded by beings and things that are energy. Yoga takes a special interest in energy and it’s something overlooked quite often in a yoga practice. “Yoga is about quieting the mind, “ said Patanjali....
by Jacqueline Morasco | Yoga |
What do you do when your thinking is unclear? How about when you don’t know what to do? Or even more challenging, what do you do when someone makes you mad or you’re having a hard time understanding something or someone? Answer: you try a different point...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Yoga |
We know what we know. AND, we know a lot of what our body, mind and Spirit need. When’s the last time you did something you knew wasn’t good for your body? When was the last time you bypassed doing something you knew would be amazing for your body? We know eating too...