by Jacqueline Morasco | Mindset, Yoga |
Ahimsa (nonviolence) is the first moral principle that Patanjali presents to us in the Yoga Sutra, and therefore, ahimsa is the foundation with which we can choose to live and build our yogic lives around. What does this nonviolence thing entail?How we think, act,...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Mindset, Yoga |
“Only one thing is worse than speaking your truth, and that is not speaking it.” Naomi WolfFor some of us, we were not able to speak our truth when we were young. For others, no matter how old we were, we could not speak our truth for fear there would be...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Yoga |
Anger: an emotional response to being or feeling threatened. The body kicks into a flight or fight response when we feel threatened. If you know me, you know that I am pretty level-headed most of the time, but I do get angry. I might even yell at my kids from...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Yoga |
I’m not sure when I realized this; yoga has helped me to overcome many fears–fear of being seen, speaking in front of groups, trying new things. Insidious as it sounds, the benefits of a daily yoga practice have a way of sneaking up on you. Fear stopped me...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Cleansing and Recipes, Yoga |
Like many of us, I like to hibernate in the winter. I dress warmly, eat and drink warm things, and love to find places that have hot water or lots of warm blankets and fire. I have to make an extra effort to do other activities that will keeping my inside fire (agni)...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Yoga |
We’ve all had a time when our energy was low and we did something to change that-sleep, take a deep breathe, walk, shower, go outside, or have a coffee or other “energy” drink.Those of us who’ve been around yoga, dance or other type of movement...