Inertia: How to Overcome it and Get $@#! Done
What’s stops us from making the positive changes that we want to make in our lives—whether it’s creating something new like a book proposal or meditation practice or stopping ourselves from doing something that no longer serves us like eating things that make us feel...

Trataka Meditation: Gazing at a Fixed Point
According to the Hatha Yoga Padipika, which is an old text that describes the practices of hatha yoga, trataka is, “looking intently with an unwavering gaze at a small point until the eyes begin to tear." Trataka is a kriya or cleansing practice. I find it especially...

“How to Master the Art of Realigning” by Jennifer Blumenthal
New Year - January 1st. What do we do every year when the New Year rolls around? We set resolutions. This year I’m going to meditate every day for 20 minutes. I’m going to eat healthier foods and get in shape. I’m going to read at least 1 book per week. We pick a...

A Simple Digestive Tea that Works
Staying healthy is not supposed to be hard or expensive. Ancient wisdom once more comes to the rescue. Here is my favorite Ayurvedic tea that helps with digestion. You can drink it hot or at room temperature, before or after meals, as a day or nighttime treat and it’s...

How to Create Soothing Fall Routines
If you’ve been reading my blog for any length of time, you know that I am into routines—not because I was innately attracted to routines—but because they have changed my life. Truth. When you start to feel and see changes outside in nature, that’s the time to start...

We cleanse our outsides, why not the insides?
Why Cleanse?we are bombarded by toxins and pollutants in, on and all around us each day--no matter how careful we areour bodies and minds need a breakfeel, smell and look betterclear your mindtake time for yourselfre-set your eating habitsincrease your...