Resolution or not

Iceberg, how much is below the surface?Should we make a New Year's Resolution?According to Webster, a resolution is strong determination, a formal statement or a course of action decided upon. Each day I set an intention upon rising and usually again in my practice....

The Obstacles according to Patanjali

PatanjaliAccording to Patanjali (the sage who compiled the Yoga Sutra-195 aphorisms about yoga-approximately 2,000 years ago), there are nine obstacles that stand in the way of us developing one-pointed focus or a state of yoga.Yoga Sutra 1.30 says that if we...

Why I Chant

I’ve been singing probably as long as I could talk. I remember forcing my family to pay for concerts that I put on in our living room. Granted it was on a nickel, but…As I’ve shared in a previous post, because of singing, I have a natural attraction and affinity for...

Intention is Everything, in life and with chanting

Whether teaching, parenting, doing yoga poses or chanting, our intention is everything. I first came to yoga to try to sit still, not while meditating, but just being able to stay in one place without fidgeting. I was attracted to the poses and trying to get them...

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