Mindfulness: What does it mean?
Lately, I’ve been reading a lot about being mindful. Mindfulness is simply paying attention to whatever it is that is in front of us at any given moment. Being mindful is something we talk about often in yoga practice and meditation. Yet, being mindful in ALL that we...
pratipaksha bhavanam
What do you do when your thinking is unclear? How about when you don't know what to do? Or even more challenging, what do you do when someone makes you mad or you're having a hard time understanding something or someone? Answer: you try a different point of view--POV...
When we KNOW What to Do
We know what we know. AND, we know a lot of what our body, mind and Spirit need. When’s the last time you did something you knew wasn’t good for your body? When was the last time you bypassed doing something you knew would be amazing for your body? We know eating too...
Throughout life, I have participated and observed the dance. The dance with people the dance with money, the dance with energy. Some dances start off slowly while we learn intricate steps and turns. Some dances flow and move with the beat no lessons are needed; it's a...
You Don’t Know What You Have Until It’s Gone
I began my journey into healing from addiction in 1985. It would be almost 20 years before I would find my way to the Heart of My Yoga although many of the teachings that I had throughout that time could be traced to the place where I arrived home with the lineage of...

Clean Green!
One of my favorite subjects to talk about is taking care of the planet. We are responsible for what happens on and to our planets including the people, animals, plants, land, air, water, and the atmosphere. We have an opportunity to do things differently than in the...