by Jacqueline Morasco | Mindset |
Some of my friends were freaking about about Mercury, the planet, going retrograde. I kept hearing, “Oh, it’s Mercury’s fault,” when things didn’t go right, especially with electronics. For me, it’s a time to slow down, reflect,...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Meditation |
White TaraOver the last 4 weeks I have discussed the niyamas, the second limb of Patanjali’s ashtanga yoga. The 5th Niyama, ईश्वर प्रणिधान: Isvara Pranidhana, which means surrendering to a power greater than yourself. Some students struggle with the...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Meditation, Mindset |
JJ-reading on beach, my fav place to beMy journey within actually began before I started my yoga practice. I was stressed and self medicated, and I was looking for a way to move through life more peacefully.Without substances of course…The fourth niyama of...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Yoga |
Continuing our discussion with the 2nd limb of Patanjali’s ashtanga yoga, the 3rd niyama, tapas, which literally translates to discipline from the sanskrit root tap or heat, is the niyama most of my college students connect with. When they first read...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Yoga |
Today, let’s explore the 2nd niyama from Patanjali’s 2nd limb of ashtanga yoga, santosha or contentment.Happiest with some sweet treat in each hand as a child, I wonder how much I’ve changed in my search for joy and fulfillment. What...