by Jacqueline Morasco | Meditation, Mindset |
Have you ever had writer’s block or had difficulty coming up with ideas? How are your relationships? Are you plagued by addiction? These are some things that can be affected when our energy flow to and through svadhisthana cakra (pronounced swadestana chakra) is...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Meditation, Mindset |
Some of us get swept away by the business and stress of the holidays and lose our sense of self and grounded-ness. I’ve provided a gentle supportive asana, breathing and meditation practice that focuses on muldhara cakra to help you through at the end of this post....
by Jacqueline Morasco | Mindset |
I can’t help but think of the transformation Ebenezer Scrooge goes through in The Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens. Most of us know that story in one way or another. Some of us might even be interested in seeing our past, present and future. I’m not so...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Cleansing and Recipes, Mindset |
I have struggled most of my life with the concept of moderation. For an alcoholic, there is no moderate or social drinking. When it comes to sugar, caffeine, food, exercise, and even yoga, I believe moderation is the way to go. The thing is that all the things we can...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Mindset |
Interestingly, “How Can I Resist?” is a question I’ve gotten stuck on or with quite a bit. Chocolate, espresso, cheese, movies, my favorite yoga pants on sale, a “free” gift… So, is it the fear of being left out? Fear of not having enough? Is it fear-based? Have you...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Mindset |
What’s stops us from making the positive changes that we want to make in our lives—whether it’s creating something new like a book proposal or meditation practice or stopping ourselves from doing something that no longer serves us like eating things that make us feel...