by Jacqueline Morasco | Mindset |
Let’s talk about your life.Do you feel free? Joyful? Connected?Most importantly, does your life feel the way you want it to feel?When I read The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte for the first time, my life was not feeling the way I wanted it to. I had just left my...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Meditation, Mindset |
Tropical FruitI’ve been talking a lot about food lately and one of the most powerful tools we have to deal with how we eat is our mind.We all know willpower is not an innate trait. Can we train our mind to relate to food in a different more positive way?...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Mindset, Yoga |
Tanzanian sunset by Laurel SteeleModeration is not a word that most people like to hear or adhere to. Especially in the West, I am surrounded and some times find myself consuming way more than my share of food, space, and energy.Of course science explains that Energy...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Mindset, Yoga |
Some of my favorite jewelsOne of the important things we learn early in life is to not take things that don’t belong to us. I remember taking a package of Sugar Babies from the drug store when I was little–maybe 5 years old. When we got out to the...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Mindset, Yoga |
Ahimsa (nonviolence) is the first moral principle that Patanjali presents to us in the Yoga Sutra, and therefore, ahimsa is the foundation with which we can choose to live and build our yogic lives around. What does this nonviolence thing entail?How we think, act,...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Mindset, Yoga |
“Only one thing is worse than speaking your truth, and that is not speaking it.” Naomi WolfFor some of us, we were not able to speak our truth when we were young. For others, no matter how old we were, we could not speak our truth for fear there would be...