How Do You WANT to Feel?

Let’s talk about your life.Do you feel free? Joyful? Connected?Most importantly, does your life feel the way you want it to feel?When I read The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte for the first time, my life was not feeling the way I wanted it to. I had just left my...

Brahmicharya: Moderation

Tanzanian sunset by Laurel SteeleModeration is not a word that most people like to hear or adhere to. Especially in the West, I am surrounded and some times find myself consuming way more than my share of food, space, and energy.Of course science explains that Energy...

Satya: Speak Your Truth

“Only one thing is worse than speaking your truth, and that is not speaking it.” Naomi WolfFor some of us, we were not able to speak our truth when we were young. For others, no matter how old we were, we could not speak our truth for fear there would be...