How to Deal with Distractions
Each day I wake up and move into my meditation practice. Why? Because if I don't do it first thing, it might not happen. Even after years of practice, I can still be distracted--it's embarrassing to admit.Make a list of your distractions:FB, family, friends,...

Burdock: Another Healing Weed from Nature
Burdock, pictured left, is something that by many is considered a weed. For 1000's of years, though, it has been known as a powerful herb used for a variety of maladies. It is used in Asian cooking and has been used by those Native to the Americas for it's healing and...

What is Dharma?
Lately I've heard a lot of talk about Dharma. Most of the people I encounter talk about dharma as our life's purpose or even our primary profession. Patanjali gives us the yamas and niyamas as a guide for living well, which is dharma. According to...

Can Yoga and Meditation Help Pain?
As I have discussed in previous posts, meditation has many positive effects and no negative side effects. It's amazing that most of us aren't taught from an early how to meditate or at least to be mindful. Of course, I look at my own children and know meditation can...

Does Meditation Increase Flexibility?
Original Painting by JAMWhile meditating the other day, thoughts of a dear friend came to me as well as an imagine. I painted the image and knew I had to give it to my friend. Listening to my gut over the years has proven fruitful. Answers to questions, new...

How to Make Decisions: 5 easy steps
Every day we are responsible for making many decisions. Some decisions are more important than others--meaning some affect who we are, the people in our lives and can be life-threatening or life-enhancing. No matter what--ALL of our decisions though affect how we...