by Jacqueline Morasco | Yoga |
Sleeping Like a TeenagerThere are 2 things my main things my students ask, no beg, for help with. I’m going to talk about the first one today–sleep. In our busy, electronic age, it’s getting harder and harder for people to unwind and sleep deeply for...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Yoga |
Anjali mudraI first heard the word sankalpa when I was practicing yoga nidra (a deep meditation practice similar to sleep) in a group. The teacher told us to set an intention, make a commitment to change something, or a resolve. The statement is set in present...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Cleansing and Recipes, Yoga |
As I continue to research yoga and diet, I find that yogis continually discuss diet, our behavior, how we take care of our bodies and minds, and so much more than just doing yoga postures. The physical is only the beginning. We cannot go much deeper if we cannot...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Yoga |
Do we need to live without any possessions to reach enlightenment or to be spiritual? I think not. It’s more about having what we need and not taking more than our share.When we are little, we learn that we need to share. Patanjali explains to us in YS 2.39...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Mindset, Yoga |
Tanzanian sunset by Laurel SteeleModeration is not a word that most people like to hear or adhere to. Especially in the West, I am surrounded and some times find myself consuming way more than my share of food, space, and energy.Of course science explains that Energy...
by Jacqueline Morasco | Mindset, Yoga |
Some of my favorite jewelsOne of the important things we learn early in life is to not take things that don’t belong to us. I remember taking a package of Sugar Babies from the drug store when I was little–maybe 5 years old. When we got out to the...