Sahasara Cakra
How connected do you feel to the Divine—Goddess, God, Spirit, Mother Earth? If there’s a disconnect, you may want to explore sahasara cakra, the 7th cakra located at the crown of the head. When our energy flows freely from below to above and from above to below, we...

Ajna Cakra: To Know What the Eyes Can’t See
The brow cakra also called the Third Eye, ajna cakra, is the 6th and is located between the eyebrows. It is the command center that connects us to our higher consciousness and inner knowing. Interestingly it connects to the pineal gland, which is the command center...

Visuddha Cakra: Speak Your Truth
If you know me, you know that I love to talk, chant, sing; I love expressing myself through my voice. When I was younger, and still sometimes today, it didn’t always feel safe to speak my truth. A number of times, while being honest and direct, I was punished. I had...

Have a heart: Anahata Cakra
Remember a time when you were happy, sad, in love, whenever we feel emotion, our heart cakra is involved, anahata cakra. This cakra is located at our heart center and is the bridge between the lower more stable cakras and the higher, more ethereal cakras making it’s...

Getting IT Done: Manipura Cakra
Trouble with digesting food? Ideas? Maybe your 3rd Cakra needs some attention. This cakra is located in the solar plexus and is often associated with guts feelings, understanding our emotions and digesting information and food. It works with our 6th cakra, ajna cakra,...

Imagine: A Conversation Towards Happiness
What do you see as you look at the clouds? We all have different ways of interpreting the same thing. Imagine if you had someone talking through you what would they tell you. Maybe they would tell you how to live life-- things that would be helpful to yourself or...