Gratitude-a moment of Thanks

It's always good for me to re-visit ways to build my gratitude skills. The benefits to self and others are amazing--science has shown that being grateful increases the amount of dopamine released, and we feel better physically, psychologically, and emotionally. We...


You start with something soft and tender Poke it with a stick Let it fester Tell her it doesn’t matter Ignore it—as if it’s not there Leave it as if it doesn’t matter When you come back, it’s healed yet the infection is stuck under the skin No one knows how deep it...


My life changed drastically on October 1, 1985. I ended up in an alcohol treatment center. The details of how I got there aren't important at this point. But let's just say, I was in the right place. Surprisingly to me, I'm still sober--today, 33 years later. Almost...

Helpful Pitta-Balancing Habits

Helpful Pitta-Balancing Habits It's been really warm this summer in Utah and I've found myself being affected by it often. How do I know? My patience is minimal, I don't want to move a lot unless it's in or near water, I'm only interested in fresh fruits and veggies,...

Healthy Touch

A long time ago, a dear friend told me that the problem in our society is that people don’t touch enough. I agreed on some level, yet part of me knew he was onto something. As human beings, we are pack animals and all of us want to belong whether or not we admit that...

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